
For Immediate Release – Leveraging “Your Personal Brand” through Twitter at the Union League Club of Chicago

Chair David Lynam, of the Union League Club of Chicago Entrepreneur Group, welcomed renowned interior decorator and entrepreneur Barbara Segal to the group’s monthly meeting on October 28, 2013.  Ms. Segal presented “Your Personal Brand,” which highlighted her success using Twitter to leverage her business.

Ms. Segal warned against the temptation of businesses and entrepreneurs to ignore services like Twitter, and emphasized that in today’s marketplace, consumers often make their first impressions of people and brands through social media.  Social media, thus, should not be dismissed as superficial, and instead embraced as yet another means to craft one’s own personal brand.

Discussing Twitter specifically, Ms. Segal related how she used the platform early to create a dialog with consumers and other major players within her industry.  As a result, she is now considered a “thought leader” in the world of interior design.  The key to gaining Twitter followers, she said, is to clearly define your purpose in your Twitter profile, and to be a resource for others in your posts.  This is because your existing followers are more likely to retweet posts that they believe will be useful to others.  Those retweets will expose you to more users, but those users will want to know who you are and what you can do for them before they will follow you.  Accordingly, it is important that they find that information in your profile and post history.

The Entrepreneur Group meets at 6 p.m. on the final Monday of every month at the Union League Club of Chicago.  Readers are invited to attend our next meeting on November 25th, featuring Hanna Stotland, who may be the only person to go from flunking out of High School to graduating Harvard Law.  You will not want to miss Hanna’s presentation.  Questions regarding the Entrepreneur Group’s future programs and activities can be directed to dlynam@lynamlaw.com.

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